Career BluePrint helps you create a blueprint for the career you deserve, whether you are entering the workforce for the first time from school, VET or university, re-entering the workforce, maybe looking for a change in career path or wanting to excel in your chosen field.

Programs, services and tools include:
- Career development and planning
- Coaching and mentoring
- Conference talks and presentations
- Digital assets including blogs, podcasts, social media and videos
- Employer insights
- Entrepreneurial education initiatives
- Future jobs workshops and resources
- Parent and student engagement
- Teacher and school curriculum resources and training
- 21st Century Capabilities and Careers Program
Provided for:
- Apprentices including School-Based
- Australian Apprenticeship Support Network
- Business and Industry Associations
- Career Development Networks
- Co-working Spaces
- Government Agencies
- Group Training Organisations
- Parents
- Registered Training Organisations
- Schools
- Students
- Teachers
- Universities
- Youth Organisations
- Young People